- ThinkSpace Support
February 9, 2024
- Fixed an issue where the screen would freeze when registering a user from "Sign up with Apple". If you are unable to log in, please reinstall the app and try logging in again. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any problems, please contact us via "Feedback" within the app.
February 7, 2024
- Currently, we are receiving reports of an issue where the screen freezes when users register using the "Sign up with Apple" option. We are investigating this problem, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. In the meantime, please consider using the Email/password method for new registrations. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Basic Concept
The Process of Creating IdeasThe Process of Creating IdeasWhat exactly does one need to do to come up with an idea? Here we introduce one process that is effective at that task.1. Collect information that will form the elements of the idea
This is the task of putting together the preexisting elements for the idea. Ideas cannot be created out of thin air. Before coming up with an idea, it is crucial to collect a wide range of preexisting elements that will form the basis of that idea.
This information will consist of specialized knowledge and information from fields with which you are involved and general knowledge and information from other fields outside of your specialty.
Tools: media, books, personal experiences, observation, customer feedback, etc.2. Expand ideas freely (creating ideas)
It is at the stage of producing a large amount of ideas based on the input information. It is important to postpone the evaluation of ideas and to submit a large number of ideas first.
Think of the way your mind works during this stage as more akin to lines radiating out like spokes of a wheel than in one straight line.
Tools: mind map, sticky notes, mandala chart, etc.3. Form a Workable Plan to Realize those Ideas
Evaluate the numerous ideas that were produced in the previous stage, and narrow the list down to the most promising ones.
By filling in the details of an abstract idea, you can break it down into a specific, workable plan.
Tools: 5W1H format, Business Model Canvas, etc.Basic Usage
This app can be used for various purposes, but first we will introduce the most recommended usage.
I think everyone has experience in coming up with new ideas by thinking while writing.
This app is perfect for organizing your thoughts while writing in a free style.
Basic flow:
1. First of all, write down what you think appropriately on the card without format
2. Organize the cards by branching them together or grouping them.
3. If you come up with something on the way, write it on the card again and place it.
4. You can write your thoughts freely and gradually structure them.
Brainstorming is one of the classic ideas generation methods. This technique, conceived by A. Osbourne, is useful during the early stages of planning when you need to generate a lot of ideas. It's time to make a decision and post a lot of ideas with emphasis on speed and flexibility. Writing anything that comes to mind and putting it on the canvas can help you come up with new ideas based on existing elements. You can generate a lot of ideas by developing related ideas from a certain card around like an associative game, or by combining cards to create new ideas.
Basic flow:
1. Clarify the problem you want to solve.
2. Write out keywords that are likely to be clues on cards and put them on the canvas.
3. Write out the idea that came up from the keyword on the card and put it around.
4. Overview the whole picture and think about ideas.
5. If you come up with a new idea based on a card, write it on a card and paste it around it.
6. Repeat the above steps and develop ideas on radiation. The flow of thought looks like the arrow in the figure.
By pulling out the input information from your head once and turning it into a card and putting it on the canvas, you can easily come up with ideas. Each idea is written on the card, but only the idea and the essence of information need to be written on the card, and there is no need to write polite sentences. It can be a picture. And handwriting is fundamental to spreading ideas freely.
With the card tool, you can develop ideas by hand on an infinite canvas.
Mind Map
The mind map is a method of developing ideas radially like trees, which will help expand ideas and images, organize ideas hierarchically.
Basic flow:
1. Put the theme you want to consider in the center
2. Extend the branches from there and fill in ideas and keywords that came up in short terms.
3. Add ideas that are more fascinating If a completely different idea comes out, I will create another branch.
4. If you move a branch or change the node, the whole structure will be organized and deepen your understanding.
The mind map is an excellent technique that helps to widen ideas freely and to organize ideas, not necessarily to classify beautifully and beautifully, but because of its nature, a larger canvas is required. Elements also it would be better to be moved freely. With relations tool, you can easily create a mind map on the unlimited canvas.
KJ Method
The kj method is a method of combining a lot of fragmentary ideas and information, extracting the gist and extracting the whole picture of the problem and finding the direction of the solution idea from a cause analysis to an idea issue widely.
Basic flow:
1. Decide on a theme.
2. Write the collected information and your ideas to cards.
3. Group cards with high affinity.
4. Summarize the contents of the group and give it a title.
5. Repeat this process while raising the group hierarchy.
6. Display relationships between groups by relationship.
7. Use the illustration as a springboard to document your overall conclusions.
- Finding new similarities between information and information and grouping with innovative approaches will lead to new ideas.
Grouping tools can help you organize ideas and structure them.
Card tool - How to create a card
1. Tap the card button from the navigation bar to change to card mode.
2. Tap the canvas to create a card.
3. Draw content by handwriting or ApplePencil.
4. Complete editing with the Done button at the top right.
Card tool - How to modify a card
1. Tap the card to select it.
2-a. You can change the card attributes from the toolbar at the bottom of the screen.
2-b. Tap the selected card again to change the contents of the card.
2-c. Pinch the selected card to change the card size.
3. The selection state can be canceled by tapping outside the card.
Branch tool - How to create branch and card
1. Tap the branch button from the navigation bar to enter the branch mode.
2. Drag and drop from the card that is the starting point of the branch to the location where you want to create a new card.
3. Create a card
4. Complete editing with the Done button at the top right.
5. You can cancel the branch mode by tapping the screen.
Branch tool - How to connect cards
1. Tap the branch button from the navigation bar to enter the branch mode.
2. Drag and drop from the card that is the starting point of the branch to the location where you want to create a new card.
3. Create a card
4. Complete editing with the Done button at the top right.
5. You can cancel the branch mode by tapping the screen.
Branch tool - How to arrange branches
1. Select a card
2. Tap the lower left option button.
3. Select the Arrange button (right)
4. Cards and branches connected to the right are aligned.
Branch tool - How to modify a branch
1. Tap a branch to select it
2-a. You can change the attributes of the branch from the toolbar.
2-b. The switch of "LickDirection" can fix the direction of the branch.
2-c. You can change the branch by moving the knob at the tip of the branch.
2-d. Tap the reverse button to reverse the direction of the branch
2-e. Tap "Text" to set title
Group tool - How to group items
1. Select the group button from the navigation bar to enter group mode
2. Surround the cards you want to group.
3. Select the Group button from the toolbar to create a group.
4. Surround the groups you want to group.
5. Select the Group button from the toolbar and create a group.
6. Repeat the above steps.
7. Tap the screen to exit group mode.
Group tool - How to modify a group
1. Select a group
2. You can change group attributes from the toolbar
-You can change the arrangement method of the child elements of the group.
-You can change the color of the cards in the group.
3. Tap "Text" to edit the group title.
Group tool - How to modify surrounded items at once
1. Tap the group button from the navigation bar to change to group mode
2. Enclose the item you want to edit.
3. If you want to edit a card, select the [Cards] button from the toolbar.
4. The toolbar for changing card attributes is displayed
5. You can change the attributes of the selected card at once.
* You can move the selection by dragging
Text tool - How to create texts
1. Tap the text button from the navigation bar to change to text mode.
2. Tap the screen to start writing text.
3. You can change the text attributes from the toolbar.
4. Tap outside the text to finish editing the text
Pen tool - How to draw lines on canvas
1. Tap the pen button from the navigation bar to change to pen mode
2. Draw on the canvas or card.
Template editor tool - How to create a template
1. Draw a rectangle and create a template.
2. Trace and divide the template.
3. Select a template.
4. Move the lines on the template to transform the template.
Card box tool
1. Select the card box button from the navigation bar.
2. The card box is displayed from below.
3. Long press the card and drag and drop to add it to the canvas.
Temporary space tool
1. Select the temporary space tool button from the navigation bar.
2. The temporary space is displayed from below.
3. Drag and drop the card on the canvas to add it to the temporary space.
4. Press and hold the card in the temporary space, and add it to the canvas by dragging and dropping.
Other - How to create a canvas from a card
1. Select a card
2. Tap "+ canvas"
3. A canvas is created starting from the card
4. Close the canvas to return to the previous screen.
5. Select the card again and tap "to link canvas"
6. Move to the canvas attached to the card
Other - How to add canvas link to a card
1. Select a card
2. Tap the lower left option button
3. Tap the "Add Link" button
4. When the canvas list is displayed, tap the canvas you want to link
5. Select a card and tap the thumbnail on the canvas
6. You can move to the canvas linked to the card.
Canvas setting tool - How to set title to a canvas
1. Select canvas setting tool and open canvas setting screen.
2. Enter title text.
3. Close canvas setting screen.
IdeaboxThe idea box is a way of combining the parameters of challenge into new ideas.It is modeled after the "morphological box", credited to Dr. Fritz Zwicky.1.Specify your problem which needs new idea.2.List parameters(characteristic,element)of the problem.3.List variations of each parameters.4.Try various combinations.SCAMPERSCAMPER is a checklist for generating new ideas.The questions were suggested by Alex Osborn.Specify your challenge and using SCAMPER questions Think new ideas.-Substitute something-Combine it with something else.-Adapt something to it-Modify or Magnify it-Put it to some other use-Eliminate something-Reverse or Rearrange itMandal-ArtThe Mandala Chart was developed by Matsumura Yasuo, founder of Clover Management Research.It is creative thinking method that develop ideas around your challenge with Mandala cells.1.Write your challenge or idea on center.2.Write key factors compose the challenge on each eight surrounding cells.3.Develop the each cells that you write on in step2.The Business Model CanvasThe Business Model Canvas is a canvas for describing business models.It was introduced in BUSINESS MODEL GENERATION(Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur , Wiley , 2010). Read this book about their theory.(Copyright of the figure of this screenshot is dependent on www.businessmodelgeneration.com)Idea GridIdea Grid is a analysis tool FCB grid based.Survey market and divide products or services into two axes.It give you a new insight into potential market.5W1H5W1H Format is a well-known format to draw an outline of a plan. Thinking "How implement this idea?", fill format.The Empathy MapThe Empathy Map is an analysis tool to understand your customers. It is developed by XPLANE. Pay attention to customer's opinion, and write insights on notes. It is important to understand your customers to generate good ideas.Visual thinkingThinking visually is important when you generate ideas.Drawings can contain a huge amount of information.Simple Drawing express ideas that otherwise require many words.- ReferencesReferences
Frequently Asked Questions
Where is the data stored?
The data on the private canvas is saved on the device for the free version, and on the device and the cloud for the paid version. The data on the shared canvas is stored in the cloud. ThinkSpace uses MongoDB Realm ( https://www.mongodb.com/en-us/realm ) as its database. This is a widely adopted and trusted technology in the industry.
Will the developer see my data?
Your data must also be stored in the cloud to achieve data syncing and sharing. The developer may be forced to check your data only when you inquire about problems such as data corruption. Otherwise, the developer will not check your data. In addition, because it is a service developed and operated by individuals, employees do not see customer data.
Are there any plans to release the single purchase version?
Since ThinkSpace is a service developed and operated by individuals without raising external funds, continuous funds are indispensable for the continuation of development. In the case of the single-purchase model, it is difficult to continue development over the medium to long term, so I have adopted the subscription model. If you like the app, I would appreciate your support.
- ContactPlease Contact me if you have a question how to use my applications, or some problems.Mailrazer006@gmail.com
- FeedbackPlease send us your feedback.